Speakers joining EDB 6: The Merrymaker Sisters, Amanda Whitley & Liz Posmyk

Exciting news, we have more speakers to announce! Carla and Emma Papas, Amanda Whitley and Liz Posmyk will be presenting on the topic of “Is Full-time Blogging Really the Holy Grail?”. Please welcome them to Eat Drink Blog 6 in Canberra!

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You may know them as Carla and Emma, but most likely you will have heard of them as The Merrymaker Sisters - on a mission to make health and happiness the world’s default! In 2012, they set off on a journey and discovered a different way of living. Fed up of feeling sick and all the fad diets out there they decided to “follow their bliss” (you’ll hear them mention the world bliss A-LOT, especially on their Instagram!). They started following a natural real food lifestyle and sharing all of their recipes on their blog. The girls have achieved numerous amazing things since 2012, including publishing a series of recipe books, travelling around the world to attend “blissful” conferences and most importantly they feel a billion times better than what they used to!


If you are a Canberran woman, you would have definitely heard about or read an article from Her Canberra – Amanda’s baby. Amanda is the editor of Her Canberra (and also happens to be on the organising committee of EDB 6), a website designed to connect women (and men) to their city and to each other. When Amanda found herself housebound caring for an unwell child and her big sister, she had a lightbulb moment: a multi-contributor website which would showcase the talents of local Canberra women and focus on ‘life’ in Canberra. Stories that would encourage people to see just how much this city has to offer. And 5 years later the website attracts over 130K monthly readers. Follow Her Canberra on Instagram or Facebook  to keep up to date with all things local.


Liz Posmyk is an award-winning food writer who has combined her passion for cooking and sharing recipes for many years. Currently blogger at Good Things, in her previous life Liz wrote a weekly newspaper column and featured on 666 ABC radio. Also known as Bizzy Lizzy, she earned the nickname juggling the role of of promotions manager of the Belconnen Markets with co-ownership of Canberra’s leading cooking school and cookware specialist.Now retired from full time work, Liz spends her days cooking, writing and travelling. You will be hearing from Liz soon regarding the annual EDB Writing Competition! Follow Liz on Facebook or on her blog.


We will be announcing the EDB 6 program soon and registrations shortly after! Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to keep up to date!

Registrations are now open! Purchase your ticket here.

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1 comment on “Speakers joining EDB 6: The Merrymaker Sisters, Amanda Whitley & Liz Posmyk”

  1. Pingback: EDB 6 Full Program Announced! | Eat Drink Blog

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