Get in quick as more places have opened up for Eat Drink Blog 2011!


With the first round of registrations and RSVPs for Eat Drink Blog now at a close and the RSVP numbers crunched, we’re ready for round 2. A small number of additional places have become available – these are essentially from places we had reserved for conference day presenters, guests and sponsors who can’t stay on for the entire day – and we’re passing them on to you!

We realise now via your feedback that not everyone in the blogging community was aware that the conference was being organised and that the call for registrations had taken place so hopefully this is the second chance for those who missed out on the first round.

The registration process and criteria are below and we’ve taken on your feedback and reduced the blog age to minimum of 6 months old. But due to time constraints and the looming conference drawing near, it’ll be a first come first served format. Once our additional allocation of places are filled, we’ll close the registrations – so as per the post title, get in quick!

The entry criteria are as follows:

  • Your blog must be a minimum 6 months old
  • Your blog must have  a minimum of 1 post per month, and a minimum of 18 posts per year to qualify
  • There is a strict limit of one person attending per blog
  • We’re looking for a cross section of food bloggers covering food, drink, restaurant, baking and cooking
  • We are not looking for bloggers officially representing commercial interests, i.e. those employed to blog for payment for brands, restaurants or companies (as stated previously, we do not mean bloggers who do or have accepted sponsored posts)
  • This event is entirely free to attend. There are no registration or attendance fees


Edit: Second round registrations have now closed

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2 comments on “Get in quick as more places have opened up for Eat Drink Blog 2011!”

  1. Christina @ The Hungry Australian Reply

    I missed the first round of regos and then missed the second by a day, too!

    My blog, The Hungry Australian ( is only 5 months old so I didn’t think I would be eligible for this year’s conference. However, I’ve just realised that it will be 6 months old by the time of the conference…

    So if by some miracle a place does open up please would you consider me? I don’t take up much room and I’ll bring goodies to share :)

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